10 Things That Need To Happen If Torchwood Comes Back

4. Sometimes, The World Doesn't Have To Change

As Torchwood has progressed and matured over the years, so has its storylines. That's true of any TV show, of course, as there would be no point in even telling new stories if they weren't being used to push the boudaries and test uncharted waters. Saying that, though, Torchwood is hardly recognisable when the concept of its latest escapade, Miracle Day, is compared to episodes from the show's initial series. While that's not completely down to the narrative structure and there were other dominant factors that contributed to the ill fate of its fourth series (as has been previously discussed on this list), this show s a brilliant example of how bigger doesn't always necessarily mean better. Don't get us wrong, it's great when planet Earth is invaded by aliens. Who doesn't love it when the human race is sent into panic mode at the hands - or plungers or claws or whatever they might be - of yet another extra terrestrial excursion? Seriously, that will never stop being entertaining. The only problem is, that's what Doctor Who is for. It kind of eliminates the importance of Doctor Who when Earth-shattering events transpire in its spin off, especially when the Doctor is nowhere to be seen and then the parent show fails to ever mention that the Torchwood stuff even happened. The Series 8 finale is a good example of that. The dead were rising in Death in Heaven but wouldn't humans still be recovering from the similar events of Miracle Day? You think somebody would've noted the comparisons but alas, it looks like they've forgotten all about it like that the rest of us. Maybe that's a good thing. The point is, Torchwood shines when its stories are ambitious but intimate. Each of its characters were given their respective time to shine throughout the first two series by becoming directly involved in their escapades and as a result Torchwood established itself as a bolshie and brave character drama more than anything else. Alien attempts at world domination belong in Doctor Who. Leave the grown up stuff for Torchwood.
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.