10 Things That Would Make Doctor Who Better

7. Get Away From Earth More Often

Speaking of diversity, Doctor, everyone knows that you love the Earth and all, but surely the rest of the universe needs exploring too? How convenient that a forest pops up in modern day London during Clara and Danny's field trip. Same for the aliens turning up at Coal Hill School over the years. While it's good to occasionally incorporate the time and location from which the current companion hails, now that the Doctor actually knows how to work his TARDIS (unlike some of his earlier regenerations), these returns happen perhaps a touch too often than they should. Yes, yes, there are practical concerns like the show budget and set design, but some Doctors get away from Earth more often than others. They have all of time and space to explore and as such the viewers should be able to see the wonders that exist away from the planet they know. And now with the Doctor knowing that Gallifrey still exists out there, somewhere, wouldn't it make sense for him to explore further afield?
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Sara Habein is the author of INFINITE DISPOSABLE. She is a staff writer for Persephone Magazine, and the editor of the Word Riot blog. Her Doctor is number Eight, but the Twelfth is right behind.