10 Things That Would Make Doctor Who Better

6. Stop Putting Clara Down

Establishing that he is not her boyfriend is fine. After the loss of Rose and River, it definitely makes sense that the Doctor is back to his less romantic self - even if he can't resist snogging Missy/The Master after so many years of dancing around it. Lines directed towards Clara like, €œHave you had a wash?€, however, are entirely unnecessary. The Doctor's personality can be newly abrasive, compared to his Tenth and Eleventh selves, without commenting on her body. If you had a friend, even a best friend, who called you short, €œkind of roundish,€ and made fun of the clothes and make up you wore, how good of a friend would you think that person was? How indulgent would you be? If the Doctor and Clara really are as close and intertwined as the show has written them to be, there's no need for him to act this way. It's the writers thinking they are making a clever "joke" but instead it comes across as not taking Clara seriously as a person. And speaking of the women...
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Sara Habein is the author of INFINITE DISPOSABLE. She is a staff writer for Persephone Magazine, and the editor of the Word Riot blog. Her Doctor is number Eight, but the Twelfth is right behind.