10 Things The Walking Dead Wishes It Could’ve Done Differently
8. The Governor's First Prison Siege

The Walking Dead's third season was a huge step up from the previous run in a couple of ways, but it completely unravelled towards the end. In particular, it was clear the writers had no idea how to wrap up the Woodbury storyline after they kinda turned the Governor into a moustache-twirling villain.
The entire season built up to the confrontation between his settlement and Rick's, and fans who read the comics were expecting an epic showdown with plenty of deaths and even a tank. They did get a confrontation, but it was nothing like they imagined, instead ending the season on an anti-climax with the Governor tucking his tail between his legs and running away, clearly to drag the storyline out as long as possible.
This is one of the rare instances where the writers pretty much admitted that they'd made a mistake however, as Season 4 functioned as a do-over of this botched showdown. Wiping the slate clean, it builds up another conflict between Rick and the Governor that directly adapts the best moments from the comic which should have been in Season 3, becoming a half-season apology for messing it up the first time.