10 Things To Expect From The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power Season 2

6. The Dark Lord Sauron Rises

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power episode six volcano
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Was there really any doubt that Halbrand was not quite the handsome young stowaway we were expected to believe at chiselled-featured face value? I suppose it was obvious there was something about him that just seemed off, and the clues (as he pointed out) were all there.

This version of Sauron, unlike how he is depicted in the prologue of "Fellowship" isn't quite the 15-feet tall behemoth who's able to swat away elves and men with ease. Nor has he forged a particularly powerful piece of jewellery from all his malice... yet. Although season one did show the cunning sorcerer learning how to do so from Celebrimbor, so the path is now laid.

It stands to reason that, whilst he likely won't be donning the pointy crown of Morgoth's lieutenant until much later, we will be seeing more of his resurgence. Plus, his varied powers of shape-shifting may reappear too. After all, across the books and movies, Sauron has been a werewolf, a man, a bit of smoke (in The Hobbit), Benedict Cumberbatch and a giant eye of fire. (Speaking of which, that fiery snake eye did get a split-second cameo during his confrontation with Galadriel.) His followers did employ such a talent for emulating faces and figures, so maybe Halbrand is out (so to speak) and Sauron takes on a new form.


David has finally gotten his act together and written a bio. The only trouble is, it's not very good...