10 Things To Expect From The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power Season 2

4. The Return of the King's... Chancellor.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power episode six volcano
Amazon Studios

Those who are familiar with the lineage of rulers in Tolkien's world will know that the next ruler of Númenor is not one of blood relation to the late Tar-Palantir. Bad news for Queen Míriel and her followers, but she doesn't end up taking her place as heir to her Father, Tar-Palantir's, throne. She is usurped by someone who is near and dear to her. So who is this naughty new king?

It's someone we've already met: Ar-Pharazôn. Yep, that sweet talking, man-of-the-people Chancellor will become the man-over-the-people...

Again, just like with other elements that have been covered here, there has been hints that there is something not quite so innocent about this dude. After all, he's already presented himself as having an ulterior motive in allowing Galadriel to have an audience with the Queen. Just what that ulterior motive will be, is (as yet) unclear...

Without him knowing it, however, his plans will bring about more than an inevitable power play between himself and his followers, and those loyal to the rightful heir Queen Regent. Pharazôn's path for the next season, if it is to reflect his arc in the books, is now also laid out. He must become king, before attempting to go into partnership with Sauron. When it's all said and done, his nefarious actions will cause a monumental event in Middle Earth history...


David has finally gotten his act together and written a bio. The only trouble is, it's not very good...