10 Things To Expect From The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power Season 2

3. The Fall Of Númenor

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power episode six volcano
Amazon Studios

They're doomed!

We've actually already seen this event (or rather, a possible occurrence of this), through the now redundant eyes of Queen Regent (more on that later). The great Númenor is essentially washed away by a giant flood, upon the falling of their white tree's last petal. All because, well... Sauron.

Lest we forget, he's already staked the place out, even going so far as to get a job there.

Prior to the flooding, Sauron essentially converted the Númenorian people into worshipping Morgoth, and stoked the fires of war for his own means. Not long after, some divine intervention sees the Tolkien stories' version of Gods (the Valar) bend the then-flat Middle-earth into a globe, thus turning Númenor into Atlantis.

However, there's a fair bit that has to happen before then, such as the change of ruler to the aforementioned Pharazôn and his convincing Númenor's armies to try and occupy the Elf lands of Valinor.

The destruction of Númenor is inevitable and important, but whilst the flooding is probably going to be saved for later, but the start of its fall came no doubt with the raising of the black flags to signify Palantir's death. Yet when one door closes another opens, the end of Númenor is the start of Gondor... which, again, is probably something we won't see for a little while.


David has finally gotten his act together and written a bio. The only trouble is, it's not very good...