10 Things To Expect From The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power Season 2

2. Seeing Stones

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power episode six volcano
New Line Cinema

After spending much of the season doing little more than looking frustrated, Elendil's daughter Eärien ends "The Rings of Power's" first season by venturing up the tower have a peek into King Palantir's palantir. But what future did catch a glimpse of, in the seeing-stones that tell of what will come to pass?

Earlier in the series, the famous palantir warned Queen Míriel of the downfall of Numenor by giving her visions of the city being washed away. It's a fate she has been doggedly trying to avoid since we first met her. Other than that, the seeing stone didn't show much else, and it was probably for the best that the Queen Regent stopped when she did. Historically (or futurely,) the seeing-stone kind of corrupts the user (yes, were looking at you, Saruman).

On the bright side, there's an ingrained story arc right there for the daughter of Elendil who has hitherto hugged the million-dollar scenery.

As this character was created for the show, perhaps there is indeed going to be something more to her than a simple apprentice. Hopefully, she'll have much more to do in the second season that drawing and falling in love with an arsonist and may perhaps spend this one trying to circumnavigate her father and brother's fate. Speaking of which...


David has finally gotten his act together and written a bio. The only trouble is, it's not very good...