10 Things We Learned From The Star Trek Lower Decks Trailer
8. LCARS Return!

Library Computer Access and Retrieval System, a staple of Star Trek since their introduction on The Next Generation, these graphics have become the instantly recognisable Star Trek computer interface. If there is one thing that was missed aboard the La Sirena and Discovery, it is these beautiful designs.
They are best recognized by the thick designs that dominate the left side of the screen, with the body of the information split into two blocks. Ever since the introduction of the PADD in the Next Generation (inspiring a certain Mr. Jobs), these have been a Star Trek staple.
They were the main point of design on Voyager and the Defiant, while Deep Space Nine utilized a Cardassian design instead. While they were not entirely missing from Picard, the La Sirena, not being a Starfleet vessel, does not use them and they are missed!
It is wonderful to see them back again - this small point of continuity only further helps to tie Lower Decks into the franchise as a whole.