10 Things We Learned From The Star Trek Voyager Cast Reunion

8. Jeri Ryan Refused To Drink Water For Days While Shooting


When Jeri Ryan joined the show in the beginning of its fourth year, she was brought on in an effort to boost the flagging ratings. She was then given a large amount of episodes in which she was either main focal point, or had a large supporting role.

Due to this, Ryan's years on the show were not always pleasant. While it has been documented that there was an immediate rivalry between Ryan and Mulgrew, there was another extreme discomfort that she had to endure.

It is no secret that the outfits that the producers put Ryan into accentuated her body. There was a corset built into the catsuits that were, according to Ryan, extremely uncomfortable - her character does not wear them in Star Trek Picard, which is almost certainly one of the reasons she agreed to return.

The outfits were so constricting that it took up to twenty minutes to get in and out of them. That meant that if Ryan wanted a quick bathroom break, production effectively had to shut down for her to do so. She began to feel very guilty as her name would be called out over the set, informing the rest of the cast and crew that work was stopping for Ryan to use the bathroom.

So, she took the drastic step of simply not drinking any water during filming days, though this came with a price. On several occasions, she remembered feeling faint to the point of passing out during filming.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick