10 Things We Want To See In The Fallout TV Series

4. The Enclave

Fallout TV

The violent, totalitarian remnants of America's pre-war government, the Enclave are major antagonists in Fallout 2 and Fallout 3. They are also a faction who can be joined in Fallout 76.

Xenophobic and nationalistic, the Enclave see themselves as a direct continuation of pre-war American authority. As such, they claim dominion over all other beings in the wasteland. They also boast some impressive technology that rivals and even surpasses that used by the Brotherhood of Steel, including their own distinctive power armour.

The Enclave Oil Rig is located 175 miles off the coast of California - or rather, was, before it was destroyed in Fallout 2. Although the series' plot will be distinctly removed from those of the games, the rig could still crop up if the show is set before its destruction in 2242.

Even if it is not, the Enclave survived the oil rig's destruction, rallying behind a new president (John Henry Eden) and coming to blows with the Brotherhood in the Capital Wasteland. Elsewhere , the Enclave survive as remnants blending into post-apocalyptic society. As such, even if the Fallout TV show does feature current or former Enclave members, it may not become apparent until further down the line.

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