10 Things We Want To See In The Fallout TV Series

3. Deathclaws

Fallout TV

Perhaps the iconic wasteland monster (and, if you subscribe to the beliefs of certain peculiar fandoms, the sexiest), deathclaws are savage, brutal reptilian nightmares. For new players at an early level at the beginning of the games, they are best avoided - deathclaws can rip a player to shreds in seconds.

Originally developed by the U.S. Military before the apocalypse as instruments of war, they now nest all over the wasteland, from the East Coast to the West. During that time, variations of the common deathclaw have emerged, including the hyper-intelligent deathclaws seen in Fallout 2, and Fallout 4's albino deathclaws. Perhaps the strangest is the hairy deathclaw seen in Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel (2001).

As monsters of the wastes go, they don't come more feared than the deathclaw. They are also incredibly adaptable, seemingly at home either in remote caves or hiding within the rubble of collapsed buildings and infrastructure. If you find yourself strolling around the ruins of a destroyed American city - say, Los Angeles - the chances of seeing one are quite high.

You can already hear the roar of approval from viewers should these legendary beasts make their small screen debut.

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I write regularly about all things pop culture, and am an individually approved critic on Rotten Tomatoes. I am the Film News Editor for FILMHOUNDS Magazine and a Senior Writer for Starburst Magazine UK. My other credits include bylines in The Guardian, The Quietus and The Indiependent.