10 Things We Want To See In The New Batman Animated Series

7. Re-imagined Villains

Warner Bros.

So everyone knows the origin stories of Batman and his library of villains and these have been played upon throughout the animated series. However it would be a great opportunity to re-visit these within a contemporary context and to explore those we never really got to see. Despite taking its influence from Batman Returns (1992), the Penguin is a villain who hasn't really been explored. We have The Riddler in If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? (1992) and Two Face (part 1 & part 2) for Harvey Dent and Feat of Clay for Clayface.

For a villain whose powers are widely based in corruption and gambling, the Penguin is often dismissed when compared to other foes. However, like other characters, The Penguin has traits and skills grounded in the comics that make him a force to be reckoned with. For example, along with having an arsenal of weapons, he alludes the police to the point they know he's dirty but have nothing to prove it. In addition, instead of being the waddling aristocrat, the Penguin is an expert in judo and bareknuckle boxing and is more than capable of taking care of himself.

With the announcement of a spin-off origin story for the Penguin in the works, it would be nice to see the new series go back to the source material for new ways to portray these beloved characters. It will be interesting to see how the writer use the narrative space in these new episodes to explore each unique relationship with Batman with an idea of succession and legacy.

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Batman fanatic, reader of comics and friendly nerd