10 Things We Want To See In The New Batman Animated Series

6. Side-kicks


It's all well and good following Batman take-on Gotham's underbelly. However, at the best of times Batman is nothing without his sidekicks. With the re-telling of the Batman mythology and the sidekicks becoming an integral component to Batman's arc, they should make an appearance down the line as well as helping the life-span of the show.

In BTAS, some of the best stories are when Batman is with sidekicks. Some of the fan’s favourites include Christmas with the Joker (1992) and Robin's Reckoning (1992). These allow us to see the Dark Knight from another perspective, whilst introducing other villains and origins which in turn enriches the narrative. Although they drop in and out of the animated series, it provides a nice change of pace and frame of reference. For example, Robin in BTAS wasn't the Burt Ward or the Gee-Whizz kid of the comics but a normal smart kid, not trying to be cool or overly deep, but filling the sidekick role and helping Batman when the threat level required it. The sidekicks never got in the way or became annoying, they only added to the conflict and the story.

Although these characters have been explored and introduced before, it would be great to see a fresh take on them and see how they fall into Batman's journey.

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Batman fanatic, reader of comics and friendly nerd