10 Things You Didn't Know About Archer

9. Nobody Knows When The Show Is Taking Place

Archer show

If you ever thought that it was weird how the characters go from using old-timey computers to smartphones within the same episode; or how the agency headquarters looks like it would fit perfectly into a Mad Men 60s set, while the outside world is clearly modern, you are not alone.

So, what's the deal with that? Are the writers just terrible at history? Well, no. According to Archer's creator, Adam Reed, the show's time period is intentionally never clearly defined, sort of as a running gag, but also to give them more freedom in their writing.

The main premise is loosely based around Cold War-era politics and that is the sort of general atmosphere of the show, but episodes are packed with topical jokes and references to modern-day events.

All the blatant anachronisms make the show that much more absurd and self-aware, which only adds to its humour. You can even have a fun side game while watching it, trying to guess when the characters were born and how old they actually are. We know Sterling was born in Nazi-occupied Morocco, so that makes him anywhere between 30 and 70.

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Big fan of TV shows, music, and indie films. Gets too emotional when watching football. Secretly thinks he could run a Premier League club based only on his time spent playing Football Manager.