10 Things You Need To Know About The Supergirl TV Show

1. There's No Connection To The Films

The one big takeaway for Supergirl right now is that, much like The Flash/Arrow/Constantine, it takes place in a totally different fictional universe to the DC movies. Whilst the muted colour scheme and classic design of her costume certainly echoes that of Henry Cavill's outfit in Man Of Steel and the upcoming Superman V Batman: Dawn Of Justice, that's where the connection ends. It's sort of a shame €“ and people were rightly upset when Warner Bros announced Ezra Miller would be playing Barry Allen on the big screen, a scant couple of weeks after Grant Gustin debuted as The Flash on the small screen €“ and means that if Superman is ever part of this show, they'll be recasting him yet again. Maybe that's what Dean Cain will be doing! Just so long as they don't bring Tom Welling in. The last thing this show needs is to be untethered from the DC Cinematic Universe, only to be left floundering in Smallville. It's almost guaranteed Supergirl will be part of The Flash/Arrow TV universe, since they're all produced by the same people and CBS owns part of The CW. For now, though, just prepare to enjoy Supergirl as its own thing. As CBS president Nina Tassler recently said, €œthose two shows are on a different network. So I think we'll keep Supergirl to ourselves for a while€.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/