10 Things You Need To Know About The Supergirl TV Show

5. The Costume Is Pretty Cool

As with an unfortunate number of female superheroes (ie nearly all of them), Supergirl has been lumbered with a series of mostly horrible, sexist costumes over the years. Every so often the artists of DC are kind enough to essentially wear a copy of her cousin's iconic uniform, but more often than not it's a short skirt and crop top combo, and at the very worst...well, whatever this is. It's rather fortunate, then, that this new Supergirl won't be quite such an unrealistically-proportioned woman in a skimpy get-up. Instead Melissa Benoist has what's actually a pretty snazzy costume which, much like the costumes worn in The Flash and Arrow TV shows, draws on the comic books whilst also making them look non-naff in live action. Apparently costume designer Colleen Atwood was inspired by the more muted colours of Henry Cavill's outfit in Man Of Steel, with a muted colour palette and a look that lets Supergirl €œembrace the past...but more importantly, thrust her into the street-style action hero of today€. The thigh-high boots are a little odd, but the logo design has a real Max Fleischer feel to it.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/