10 Things You Need To Know About The Supergirl TV Show

4. A Load Of DC Supervillains Will Appear

Besides the costume, supporting cast and Kryptonian blood, the other main connection Supergirl has to her comic book predecessor comes in the villains she'll be facing. Whilst the show is very much going for the look and feel of a procedural, it's still a superhero series €“ which means that, even if she's solving crimes in a traditional manner, the perps will be...less traditional. CBS have already confirmed that the pilot will see Kara coming toe-to-toe with The Lumberjack, a rather obscure DC villain who has previously menaced Wonder Woman in the comics. He's an assassin hired to whack the Amazonian warrior who, erm, dresses like a lumberjack. And has an axe. Reports he likes to press wild flowers are unconfirmed. That's somewhat D-list (and really, really obscure), but early announcements have also revealed that Superman enemy Toyman will be showing up €“ a guy who leads troops of killer action figures, played by stage actor Jeremy Jordan €“ as will Vartox, €œan alien convict, who has been hiding on and seeks a battle with Supergirl€, played by Welsh actor Owain Yeoman.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/