10 Things You Need To Know About The Supergirl TV Show

3. Dean Cain Has Been Cast In It

Supergirl has a solid, if un-showy cast of TV regulars and up-and-coming stars of stage and screen. It's a good line-up even if, outside of Calista Flockhart, there aren't many big names. That is, if you don't count Dean Cain as a big name! Which most people probably don't. But for comic book fans €“ and fans of superhero TV shows €“ the appearance of Cain is a big deal. After all, it was Cain who introduced a new audience of fans to Superman with Lois & Clark, that strange nineties series that mainly focussed on the romance and drama between the two Daily Planet colleagues, with all the Man Of Steel stuff being incidental. No word on who he's playing in Supergirl, but could he be reprising his role? Somebody who definitely won't be returning to the part that made her name (for better or for worse) is Helen Slater, no relation to Christian, was the star of the ill-fated 1984 Supergirl film, a spin-off of the much better/more popular Christopher Reeve Superman films which failed to set the world alight. Slater too has been cast in an unspecified role here.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/