10 Things You're Guaranteed To See At A Doctor Who Convention

8. Attractive Daleks

The picture actually makes for a very funny joke, if you get the reference. Anyway, Daleks are terrifying, horrifying metal nazis that are hell bent on killing anything that isn't just like they are. They've been an icon of Doctor Who for almost as long as the show itself, and kids of every generation have been scared witless by a Dalek at least one. Which makes everything very confusing indeed when we see the females of the world rocking Dalek dresses at conventions. You mark my words, there will be at least ten at every Who convention. They will make you wrestle with your childhood memories of being terrified by the Daleks, and your modern day fondness for attractive Doctor Who fans in cool outfits.
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Nintendo fanboy, Doctor Who nerd, and comic book enthusiast... May not actually have a life outside of fictional characters anymore.