10 Things You're Guaranteed To See At A Doctor Who Convention

3. Scared Children

There will always be at least one, and they will have had the absolute crap scared out of them. It could be for a whole bunch of reasons. Maybe it's because conventions are pretty loud places, filled with excited chatter and the occasional booming of that iconic theme tune. Maybe it's because conventions are crowded places, and that could get overwhelming for a wee child. I personally believe it's usually because around 50% of the attendees are (very well) dressed like horrifying monsters, and most of these poor kids have no way of knowing that the Cyberman coming towards them is actually a lovely 28 year old accountant from Leeds. Just try and keep the nippers away from the Daleks... oh, how they can scream if they spot a Dalek.
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Nintendo fanboy, Doctor Who nerd, and comic book enthusiast... May not actually have a life outside of fictional characters anymore.