10 Times Doctor Who Appeared In Other TV Shows

6. Chelmsford 123

Family Guy Doctor Who Farted
Channel 4

Obscure British comedy series Chelmsford 123 has mostly been forgotten about over the years, although the fact that it has a terrific Doctor Who gag means that it'll always exist in the back of some fans' minds.

In the episode Arrivederci Roma - the show's first outing, aired in March 1988 - a totally random moment occurs when two men are pulling a cart through a field. It starts off when we hear one of the most iconic sound effects in pop-culture, before the bloody TARDIS just materialises in the background of the shot.

The doors then swing open, and out steps the Doctor - hidden in silhouette, but clearly meant to be Tom Baker's Fourth - who looks around for a few seconds, steps back inside, and dematerialises, with the two men completely oblivious to what just happened.

Quite how a Channel 4 show managed to get away with this is anyone's guess, but no matter how this TARDIS gag came to be, it's probably the best moment in Chelmsford 123's entire run.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.