10 Times Doctor Who Appeared Where You'd Least Expect

4. In A Story Where Ten Meets The Binks Clan

Doctor Who Matt Smith Sherlock Benedict Cumberbatch WhoLock
BBC Books

Like Teselecta Eleven showing up at the beach instead of the real thing, we're going to cheat a little for this entry, because this is an official Doctor Who story - a novel, published by BBC Books in 2007. Instead, the unexpected element comes from a weird, highly unlikely scenario the Tenth Doctor finds himself in.

Forever Autumn follows Ten and Martha as they grapple with some strange occurrences in an unassuming English town. They do their thing and save the day - no surprises there - defeating an ancient species called the Hervoken in the process.

But it's a random aside towards the end of the novel that lands Forever Autumn on this list, with the Doctor telling Martha about that time he met the Binks clan - as in, Jar Jar Binks, the not-so-beloved bumbling alien introduced in the Star Wars prequels.

Jar Jar Binks

"They're good people... very hospitable" the Doctor says, before mentioning that Jar Jar sent George Lucas a telepathic message, which prompted Lucas to include him in The Phantom Menace.

Basically, in the Doctor Who universe, Jar Jar Binks is real, and the Doctor has met him. If there's an offscreen adventure we desperately want to see... it's that one.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.