10 Times Doctor Who Daleks Appeared Where You'd Least Expect Them

5. The Daleks and Lemmy from Motorhead Flog Chocolate

Like many faded entertainers of the golden age of television, the Daleks had to rely on advertising to stay relevant during the 1990s and early 00s. Whilst they adorned postage stamps, appeared in BBC2 idents and charity telethons, they couldn't get a full-time TV gig until the series returned in 2005.

One of the products the Daleks advertised during their fallow period was the humble chocolate wafer, the KitKat. A 2001 advert for the snack saw the Daleks spread a message of peace and love, joining a line of Hare Krishnas as they move through a shopping centre. The central conceit of the advert was famous figures taking a break from what they're known for.

So Lemmy from Motorhead was seen to perform a soothing violin symphony, macho footballer Roy Keane was crocheting at half-time, and Kelly Brook turning down a dress for being too revealing. The Daleks, meanwhile, spread their message of love and offered cuddles to various alarmed shoppers.

It's a fun idea, and demonstrates just how much the Daleks were still a part of British popular culture.


Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.