10 Times Doctor Who Lied To Your Face

9. Missing Master In The Series 12 Trailers

Doctor Who Peri Nicola Bryant
BBC Studios

The Master's return at the end of Spyfall Part One is one of the best cliffhangers of the Jodie Whittaker era. To preserve the surprise, the trailers for Series 12 actively erased Sacha Dhawan from most Spyfall footage.

Certain shots of the Doctor, Yaz, Ryan, and Graham attending Daniel Barton's birthday party were edited to remove O, who was tagging along for the ride. It was all part of some misdirection by Chris Chibnall and the team that helped set up the Master's return.

Firstly, they announced Lenny Henry and Stephen Fry as the big guest stars for the Series 12 opener, meaning that all eyes would be on these two national treasures.

Sacha Dhawan's casting wasn't even announced ahead of time, and he didn't appear in the episode's credits on the Radio Times listing for Spyfall.

You could argue that it was all a bit much, and that simply revealing Dhawan as a new character called O wouldn't have lessened the impact of the Master reveal.

Still, what a reveal it was – masterful, you could say.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.