10 Times Doctor Who Lied To Your Face

4. Fake Cast Members

Doctor Who Peri Nicola Bryant

Who's your favourite Doctor Who guest actor?

Is it Neil Toynay from Castrovalva? Or how about Roy Tromelly from Remembrance of the Daleks? Both "actors" were anagrams of Anthony "Tony" Ainley and Terry Molloy, respectively, best known for playing the Master and Davros in 1980s Doctor Who.

Anthony Ainley had multiple codenames in TV listing magazines during his time on Doctor Who, to protect audiences from discovering the Master's involvement ahead of time. Ainley was credited as James Stoker (an anagram of Master's Joke) in The King's Demons, and Leon Ny Taiy (an anagram of Tony Ainley) in Time Flight.

This tradition was resurrected by Chris Chibnall in 2020, when the listings for the Series 12 finale revealed a character called Fakout, set to be played by Barack Stemis. Of course, this was revealed to be a Fakeout, to hide the fact that the Master Is Back!

The idea of the codename is so embedded in Doctor Who fan psyche that Whovians twigged the mysterious Mister Saxon was the Master, because it was an anagram of "Master No. Six."

Except for the fact that this was purely an unintentional coincidence on the part of Russell T Davies!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.