10 Times Doctor Who Lied To Your Face

3. The 60th Anniversary's Cloudy Background

Doctor Who Peri Nicola Bryant
BBC Studios

While the Doctor Who Series 12 trailer erased Sacha Dhawan from the footage, the trailer for the 60th anniversary specials erased everything except Ncuti Gatwa, dressed in the remnants of David Tennant's new costume.

The background of the shot where the Fifteenth Doctor asks "What the hell is going on here?" was erased, and replaced with a cloudy sky to keep the location hidden. Which makes a lot of sense, as it would've revealed Kate Stewart and Shirley Anne Bingham in the background, and would also be dangerously close to revealing David Tennant standing on the sidelines.

The choice to keep the background secret until the broadcast of The Giggle led to a lot of speculation about what was behind Gatwa. Was it the Edge from The Power of the Doctor? Was it the brand-new TARDIS set?

Doctor Who The Giggle Ncuti Gatwa Fifteenth Doctor
BBC Studios

And while the UNIT helipad may have been an unremarkable location, knowing in advance that it's where David Tennant regenerates would've ruined the episode somewhat.

The shocking moment where the Toymaker's laser slices right through the Fourteenth Doctor is so abrupt, that it would've been totally undermined by revealing the location of Ncuti's first appearance.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.