10 Times Doctor Who Wasted Great Villains

4. The Beast

Doctor Who Rose The Wire
BBC Studios

Doctor Who introduced one of the most feared monsters in human history onto the show – the Devil himself. The Beast claimed to have existed at the very beginning of time, taking on the classic image of a red entity with horns. After his encounter with The Beast, even The Doctor struggled to acknowledge the idea of The Beast truly being the Devil, showing that The Doctor also fears some sort of religious devilish creature.

The Beast could control the minds of victims, possessing Toby Zed and the Ood through a hivemind causing them to do all the dirty work for him, freeing him from the pit he was imprisoned in. All The Beast does during the episode is play with The Doctor's mind, making him believe that his friends and Rose will be killed.

Although religion is a complicated subject to delve into - especially in the world of Who, where many religions happen all at once - witnessing The Beast at full power would’ve been one of the biggest stories in Doctor Who history, as The Doctor would’ve found himself face-to-face against the greatest enemy in the universe. In the end, it all came down to dumb luck in how The Doctor defeated The Beast.

By destroying the jars, it was only The Beast’s physical form that was defeated but not his mind, so The Beast could still be out there manipulating and torturing people. We could’ve seen some great episodes of The Doctor having to fight The Beast due to it only being alive through the power of storytelling and an idea.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.