10 Times Doctor Who Wasted Great Villains

3. The Boneless

Doctor Who Rose The Wire
BBC Studios

The Boneless were a unique monster that was introduced in Season Eight that had the ability to make three-dimensional things into two-dimensional, including people. The creatures were able to shrink the TARDIS, trapping The Doctor in there, and giving a prime example of how powerful a threat they could be.

Although there was a lot of potential for these monsters, they didn’t do much during the episode apart from stealing energy from the TARDIS and killing some innocent bystanders. These monsters had the potential to be as interesting as the Weeping Angels or the Silence due to their unique creation and backstory, but it sadly wasn’t meant to be.

In order to defeat these monsters, The Doctor used the Boneless’ power against them, managing to power the TARDIS and causing him to cast them back into their own universe. Although it sounds complicated, all The Doctor needed was his trusty sonic screwdriver to cast an energy field – a way that seemed all too easy for the powerful creatures they are.

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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.