10 Times Scotty Saved The Day In Star Trek

He was known as the miracle worker, but which of his saves stand out above the rest?

Star Trek Scotty

Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott remains Star Trek's most famous engineer, famously keeping the original Enterprise running by using bits of painted wood and wire, disguised cleverly as futuristic circuits and panels. In fact, he was so good at his job that many of the saves, patches and turnarounds that he put together ended up in the manuals for future engineers to follow - something he found hilarious when he discovered this.

Scotty was keeping starships moving through space at a time when starbases and space stations were few and far between. Spare parts and replacements were as rare to him as dilithium would become in the 31st century, so he had to get creative when it came to saving the day.

That is not to say however that he didn't exaggerate from time to time, just to ensure that his reputation of miracle worker remained firmly in place. After all, that old saying, 'You're only as good as your last job' couldn't have been far from his mind, even if his 'last job' would end up being much further into the future than perhaps he might have anticipated!

Through different timelines and universes, Scotty has been the true saviour of the Enterprise on many occasions. Here are ten of the best.

10. Detonating The Warp Core To Escape A Black Hole

Star Trek Scotty

At the climax of JJ Abrams' take on Star Trek, the Enterprise, as it so often does, finds itself in the kind of peril that only genius thinking will let it escape. They are caught in the gravity well of a black hole, with the engines burning at full warp. The strength of the hole is pulling them backward so hard that the bridge itself begins to crack under the strain.

Kirk calls out to Scotty, pleading with him to please save all of their lives. The beleagured engineer (having only joined the crew several hours before!) rushes to the warp core and, in a moment of brilliance, ejects the componants out into space.

While the result of this sees the Enterprise drop immediately out of warp, it does give him the time to detonate those components in the Black Hole. The resulting explosion is easily the biggest anti-matter detonation ever witnessed in Star Trek, with the shockwave throwing the ship clear of the danger.

Now, the only thing to worry about is that black hole floating out in space, not too far from the Sol System...

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick