10 Times Scotty Saved The Day In Star Trek

9. Sending The Problem Over To The Klingons

Star Trek Scotty

This situation is perhaps a little more delicate. Scotty does absolutely save the Enterprise, yet he is potentially, however indirectly, responsible for the extinction of a species for over one hundred years. Whoops.

The Tribble is a creature that is born pregnant, in the words of Dr. McCoy. It seems to exist purely to feed and breed, feed and breed. While their soft and cuddly exterior may seem harmless, they represent an ecological disaster to any planet upon which they land.

So, when Scotty beams the Tribbles over to the Klingon D-7 class ship, captained by Koloth, he may think he's merely saving the Enterprise from their menace. However, he is also compiling the Klingons' hatred toward them. After this, an armada of warships were dispatched to the Tribble homeworld, obliterating it from orbit. All of the Tribbles were killed.

...thanks, Scotty?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick