10 Times Scotty Saved The Day In Star Trek

8. Learning How To Install Romulan Technology

Star Trek Scotty

This is a race against time, as the mission to steal the cloaking device does not go off without a hitch. In the third season episode The Enterprise Incident, Kirk and Spock are acting on secret orders from the Federation to steal a Romulan Cloaking Device. This technology is deemed to be too dangerous not to have knowledge of - leading to a clandestine mission that involves taking the Enterprise into the Romulan Neutral Zone.

Kirk manages to get the device back to the Enterprise, but with a catch. Spock is left behind on the Romulan Battle Cruiser, exposed now as a spy. Scotty desperately tries to install the device into the Enterprise's deflector shields. For his part, Spock buys him some time by bargaininning for the right to final words. Thankfully in Romulan tradition, he would have twenty minutes to do so.

As Scotty nears completion, Chekov manages to locate Spock with the transporter - though as he pulls him out, the commander of the Romulan ship is beamed with him. This commander, unwilling to let technology fall into an enemy's hands, orders the destruction of the Enterprise - but Scotty pulls it off once again, engaging the cloak and allowing the ship to escape Romulan space.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick