10 Times Scotty Saved The Day In Star Trek

4. Stopping A Runaway Enterprise

Star Trek Scotty

After encountering an artificial world, which turns out in fact to be a contructed colony for the long-dead Kalandan people, Kirk, McCoy, Sulu and D'Amato (guess who's not coming back?) beam down to the surface. They are rocked by a tremor while, at the same moment, the Enterprise is hit by turbulance. In a flash, the ship disappears.

Scans aboard the vessel show that, somehow, they have been hurled 990.7 light years away. Scotty, however, feels that something is off.

He can tell that the Enterprise feels...wrong, somehow. Spock initially disregards this as emotion.

Scotty goes to inspect the engines to solve the mystery and, while there, he along with crewman Watkins encounter a beautiful woman - Losira - who can kill with a touch. Watkins perishes because he is a day player, while Scott remains to discover the sabotage that Losira has inflicted on the engines. He comes up with a plan to disengage them as the ship begins hurtling back toward the planet. It is overheating - the resulting explosion will tear the vessel apart.

Scott knows that by jettisoning the crawlspace that he is in, Spock will able to save the ship. He pleads, while working, with Spock to blast him into space. The Vulcan refuses, having faith in the engineer. Despite Scotty's protestations, he is able to repair the ship even as he prepares to die. They return to the planet and save the rest of the crew.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick