10 Times Scotty Saved The Day In Star Trek

3. Saving 47 And Another Enterprise

Star Trek Scotty

Another day, another Enterprise saved. One would think that it might get tiring for Scotty to continually save ships named Enterprise - but he really does do such a good job of it. On the maiden voyage of the newly christened Enterprise-B, the ship encounters a phenomenon known as the Nexus. This energy ribbon has devastating effects on any starship that strays too close - as two refugee ships have done.

The Enterprise moves in closer, unable to do much from a distance playing it safe. One of the refugee ships is torn to pieces by the ribbon, but Scotty scurries to save the passengers on board the other. He finds that they are phasing in and out of the space time continuum, but at the last second he manages to save 47 of them, just as the ship explodes.

The day is not yet saved as the Enterprise itself is now caught in the ribbon. Scotty scans it and deduces that an anti-matter explosion like that given by a photon torpedo should free them. However the Enterprise doesn't have any, leading Scotty to come up with the perfect plan: simulate the explosion by repogramming the main deflector dish.

The plan is a success, but with a cost. As the ship breaks away, a tendril of energy catches the ship - tearing a hole in the side of the vessel. Scotty saved the ship and the crew, yet in the attempt - Captain Kirk was lost, pulled into the Nexus by that same tendril.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick