10 Times Star Trek Didn't Think It Through

9. The Mycelial Network

Star Trek Kronos One
CBS Media Ventures

By the time Star Trek: Discovery was on the air, the audience was well aware of the Beta, Gamma, and Delta quadrants, so restricting this new show to the Alpha quadrant ran the risk of making this new series smaller in scope. The mycelial network became a chance to get the Discovery to places the audience was aware of, but that contemporary starships couldn't hope to reach.

Sending the ship to the future to avoid Control was a handy dramatic plot, but it left some big questions. Classifying Discovery's very existence wasn't possible - too many people knew about it. So, the story that Discovery had been destroyed worked - sort of. 

The mycelial network had already been experimented on aboard the USS Glenn. While it went badly there, that was no reason to shutter the project. Discovery proved it was a success. Once the genie is out of the bottle, one cannot put it back in.

Not informing Captain Janeway about said network seems a large oversight. One hundred years later, was it possible that no one had been working on adapting the jump drive for the rest of Starfleet? Is there no Mycelial Directive in place?

With all respect intended - this felt like Star Trek: Discovery wanted a new toy, and that was that. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick