10 Times Star Trek Didn't Think It Through

6. Just How Far Away Is Qo'noS Anyway?

Star Trek Kronos One
CBS Media Ventures

This may best be described as an inconsistency in Star Trek, one that applies to Enterprise in particular. The location of the planet Qo'noS, or even the system it's been located in, seems to change depending on the situation. 

Broken Bow sees Enterprise arrive in orbit of the planet, dropping off their quarry, the Klingon Klaang. According to Star Trek Into Darkness, Qo'noS is located in the Omega Leonis sector, roughly 112 light-years from Earth. The episode sees Enterprise make that journey in roughly four days.

Zefram Cochrane, in his recorded speech, speaks about how Warp Five engines will revolutionise Starfleet - which is a bold claim, as in his time, Warp Two was the maximum speed. Later, in the episode Two Days And Two Nights, Enterprise visiting Risa was the first time a starship had travelled roughly 90 light years from Earth, despite having been to Qo'noS in the pilot.

This may best be attributed to an inconsistent distance tracker - or a galaxy that's far less constant as the northern star.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick