10 Times Star Trek Didn't Think It Through

7. Curing Death

Star Trek Kronos One
Paramount Pictures

In Star Trek Into Darkness, Dr McCoy cures death. 

When Kirk is killed toward the film's climax, all seems lost. McCoy, spent and upset, collapses into his chair only to then be distracted by Tribble Jesus beginning to move. This divine creature had been the recipient of Khan's blood, which revived it. Inspired, McCoy then calls for Spock to bring Khan in alive.

A few fisticuffs later, Kirk opens his eyes, having been resurrected by McCoy. The doctor jokes that Kirk had only been 'barely' dead, and not another word is said about it.

So, in the Kelvin universe, now that Khan is on ice, is death merely a state like sleep? Can people who are killed in the field get access to a synthetic version of Khan's blood? Does this mean that genetic engineering is completely fine with Starfleet there? 

Did anyone care? The entire sequence makes for a nice save in this quasi-remake of The Wrath Of Khan, but one has to wonder how much thought went into the ramifications of McCoy's realisation.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick