10 Times Star Trek Reused Footage And Hoped You Wouldn't Notice

3. Numerous Shots - What You Leave Behind

Bird Of Prey Star Trek

The big finale of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was never going to be a quiet affair. There was an entire war to wrap up, along with all of the dozens of supporting characters' arcs as well. With one of the longest guest cast credit rolls of any episode of the franchise, the budget was tight going into What You Leave Behind. Reusing footage was a given.

Rather than focusing on a single shot, there are a number of examples to pick from. Some, unfortunately, do tend to stand out a bit more than others. Take the strafing run by the USS Defiant over a Cardassian warship - lifted straight from The Sacrifice of Angels. There is the destruction, via kamikaze, of several Klingon vessels, which was lifted from Tears of the Prophets.

There is one funny moment in the battle, which includes the destruction of a Cardassian ship. As it begins to explode, the shot cuts to inside, where it shows a Cardassian running away from the explosions. This was a case of reusing footage a little too quickly - as it was taken from The Dogs Of War, the episode directly before this one. That man...was Garak, who had been running away from a bomb.

While the episode was a humongous success overall, some of these moments are a little obvious, especially when binging the show.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick