10 Times Star Trek Reused Sets And Hoped You Wouldn't Notice

7. Enterprise-E Shuttle/Runabout Cockpit

Star Trek Discovery Strange New Worlds Set Reused
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Our recent list on the Secrets Of The Runabout has covered the multiple times that this durable ship has been used in Star Trek. It was constructed for Deep Space Nine, which needed additional support craft to allow the station's crew to actually trek through the stars.

While the Runabout itself would appear in many episodes of the series, it would also pop up in both The Next Generation and Voyager, as well as an animated appearance in Lower Decks.

Star Trek: Insurrection was released between Deep Space Nine's sixth and seventh seasons, with the plot addressing the ongoing Dominion War arc of the show. That's not all that was borrowed. The Enterprise'E shuttle, along with the Captain's Yacht, and the Mission Scout Ship all saw materials carried over from the Runabout set.

The Shuttle is perhaps the most noticeable, as the layout is almost identical to the older ship. There is even a transporter directly behind the pilot and co-pilot seats, though the colouring is slightly different in the theatrical version. The shape of the cockpit in all three movie ships remains the same as the Runabout - which is lucky, as that support craft would be needed for Deep Space Nine's final season.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick