10 Times Star Trek Reused Sets And Hoped You Wouldn't Notice

6. Enterprise-D Engineering/Enterprise-A Engineering

Star Trek Discovery Strange New Worlds Set Reused
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Sharing sets between ongoing productions makes sense, from both a financial standpoint, but also an aesthetic one. Though the stories may be set in differing points of history, Star Trek has attempted to keep something of a uniform look between Federation starships. While the overall look of the franchise is something that perhaps that great other Star-series excels at, the concurrent production schedules accidentally curate a similar style between ships.

Perhaps this is a very generous description here - after all, on any picture, money rules all. So, whether it fits the film or not, the budget will often make the final decision.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country borrows rather heavily from The Next Generation, so much so that there are three separate entries from that film on this list. Here, there is the fact that the main engineering set is borrowed wholesale from the Enterprise-D. Nicholas Meyer does use the space in a clever way - rather than filming the core itself, as it would often be seen in The Next Generation, he aims the camera from the core, looking down on Scotty and the rest of the team.

We all know the truth - but presentation goes a long way toward forgiveness.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick