10 Times Star Trek Reused Sets And Hoped You Wouldn't Notice

4. Enterprise Bridge/Valdore Bridge

Star Trek Discovery Strange New Worlds Set Reused
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Director Stuart Baird may be named many things by Star Trek fans, but we must say this for the man - he knew how to get the most out of his props and sets. Star Trek: Nemesis arrived in 2002, after Star Trek: Voyager had wrapped production. This meant that sets like sickbay were no longer available to borrow, and thus had to be built from scratch.

Baird ordered the construction of a new bridge set for the Enterprise-E. This differed from all previous iterations in that it was built on gimbals that shook when needed, allowing the crew to realistically lurch upon weapons fire. Up to this point, the cast would simply move themselves while the camera was shaken.

With such an expensive set having been built, Baird wasn't about to waste a penny of it. He had it redesigned and redressed to serve as the bridge of the Romulan Warbird Valdore, in a very similar move to The Wrath Of Khan. Other examples of hidden redressing were those freestanding consoles on the Reman bridge - nicked from the old Deep Space Nine lockers, as they were Cardassian in design.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick