10 Times The Doctor Who Writers Must've Been High

5. Victory Of The Daleks - Multicoloured Daleks

The Daleks are really not getting let off lightly in this list, but more often than not they are the cruel victims of the Doctor Who writers€™ drug abusing habits. There is one thing that all fans of Doctor Who know about the Daleks, and that is that they are all supposed to look the same; themes of racial purity do not really hold up well when your main antagonists look like they€™re trying to conquer the planet immediately after their soiree at a Gay Pride parade. The Doctor Who writers were obviously high on emotion as well as soft drugs that day, as it€™s the only explanation for why they thought writing Professor Bracewell was logical, never stopping to think how beings with absolutely no concept of emotion (and an active hatred of it) could possibly programme an artificial intelligence with a façade of emotion so complex that it goes unnoticed among actual humans. I think enough proof of how high, and idiotic, Mark Gatiss was that day comes from the fact that the Dalek distinctions (The Scientist, the Drone, the Strategist, the Eternal and the Supreme) have made no comeback in the five years Doctor Who has been on television screens since. Frankly, fans can only count themselves lucky.

Guest hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.