10 Times The Doctor Who Writers Must've Been High

4. Let's Kill Hitler - Hitler

Now to be entirely fair to Stephen Moffat, he did say that when he was trying to depict the Internet€™s favourite answer to every argument, he wanted to €œtake the mickey€ out of Hitler. Moffat compared it to a scene in an Indiana Jones film that made fun of Hitler. However, as fans of the fourth Indiana Jones film will remember, having both Nazis and aliens in one program will make it terrible. And Rory punching him in the face and locking him in a cupboard took out the greatest icon of evil the history of the Western world has. Gee, if only the Allies had thought of that. These are the effects of drugs €“ bad representation of Nazis, and blatant disregard for backstory. Any and Rory€™s childhood friend-come-daughter is introduced in the blink of an eye, much to the dismay of the fans, and while it€™s entirely likely that the writers believed that her subsequent regeneration made sense, that was only in their own heads. The TARDIS might be in a constant state of temporal grace, but when the Doctor Who writers get hold of the Mary Jane, havoc ensues.

Guest hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.