10 Times The Lucifer Show Referenced The Comics (And 10 Ways It Totally Ignored Them)

3. Lucifer's Lifestyle (Ignores The Comics)

Lucifer Comics TV

To say that the TV iteration of Lucifer is drastically different from the comic character he's based on would be a massive understatement. The two almost seem intentionally written as each other's exact opposites.

While the Lucifer of the comics is patient, calculated, and subtle, Tom Ellis' version is impulsive, impetuous, and brash. While both Lucifers play piano in a bar named Lux, one of them plays classical music while sipping wine, and ignoring his patrons, and the other takes ecstasy and hooks up with any humans that pass through, as top 40 hits are pumped out of his club's high end sound system.

One of the most blatant examples of the disconnect between the two versions of the character is in the episode They're Back, Aren't They?, in which it's revealed that Lucifer had sex with ninety-two partners in eight weeks, which he'd previously referred to as "a bit of a dry spell." In the comics, he only had any sexual or intimate relations of any sort with two people over the course of a six-year story...and neither of them were humans.

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Lucifer TV
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Michael Cross hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.