10 Times The Lucifer Show Referenced The Comics (And 10 Ways It Totally Ignored Them)

15. Granting Favors (Ignores The Comics)

Lucifer Comics TV

Lucifer is well known, in the Fox/Netflix universe, as the one to see if you need a favor. Of course, Lucifer will require a favor in return, to be collected when he deems appropriate, and that reciprocal favor could be anything, so the cost may outweigh the benefit.

This aspect of the character however never appeared in the comics, until Dan Watters' 2018 series. Watters' version presents Lucifer as a much more malicious, sadistic entity, answering humans' prayers with a Monkey's Paw sort of twist, but the TV Lucifer is much more benevolent.

The first time we see Lucifer call in a favor in the show, his request is simply that Delilah pull herself together. Other times, he seems genuinely distraught when favors he's granted seem to have contributed more to harming than helping people. This compassion he shows is in sharp contrast to the comic Lucifer, who's totally indifferent to the lives and wellbeing of humans.

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Michael Cross hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.