10 Tiny Details In Futurama You Definitely Missed

7. Bender's Big Score's Retcons

Futurama Zoidberg
20th Century Fox

Time travel is always tricky, with even the best and most intricately planned stories carrying the risk of huge plot holes, inconsistencies, and retroactively ruining what has already happened in the show. Futurama suffered with the latter thanks to Bender’s Big Score.

For the initial run of episodes, it was told that Fry simply came to the future unexpectedly, with his family, his dog, and his girlfriend having no idea what had happened to him. However, thanks to Fry going back in time with the Time Code, none of that ever actually happened.

Instead, Fry went home to a family that would have been none the wiser of the truth. Seymour never would have been waiting until his death for him, his brother would have had no reason to name his son after Fry, since he was alive and well when he was born, and all of the poignant and heartbreaking flashbacks to his family missing him shown over the course of the series never could have actually happened.

Instead, he would have been thought to be killed in an accident in 2012. Still tragic of course, but this retcon makes just about everything Michelle said about him being missed when she came to the future completely wrong.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.