10 Tragically Romantic Doctor Who Episodes
Hoping for a romantic evening with the Doctor? Best prepare for tears instead...

Let’s be honest, Doctor Who is not the most romantic show. Yes, there’s the beauty of the universe, but sooner or later we all know that the Doctor will be trouble and that candle-lit dinner is going to be interrupted by Daleks, Yetis, or the Master. It’s pretty inevitable.
The show itself hasn’t really included romantic relationships until recently, anyway. A companion getting married usually meant the end of their adventures in the classic series, and the Doctor himself never had a serious love interest. Modern Doctor Who changed all that, allowing both the Timelord and his companions to have more substantial relationships. Unfortunately, a lot of these relationships, especially where the Doctor is concerned, end tragically - that’s the problem with dating during an invasion.
Nevertheless, with Valentine’s Day in mind, we wanted to give you some romantic Who moments, sad or not.
So, snuggle up on the sofa, grab a box of tissues and check out this list, in no particular order, of ten tragically romantic episodes. Be warned there are spoilers ahead!
10. Daleks In Manhattan/Evolution Of The Daleks

This story set in 1930s New York, sees the feisty singer Tallulah and the loyal stagehand Laszlo join forces with the Doctor and Martha to stop the Daleks.
A well-established couple that is very much in love, Laszlo and Tallulah get on great together. Lazlo is even inviting Tallulah to meet his mother. Unfortunately, when the pair part backstage so Tallulah can go perform her song, Laszlo is kidnapped by the Daleks pig slaves. Despite this awful turn of events, the now partly pig Laszlo continues to visit and leave flowers for his girl, while Tallulah, sure that he isn’t the sort of guy to just run off, still holds out hope for him returning.
She is correct of course, and thanks to the Doctor, the two meet up again in the sewers. Tallulah is saddened by what has happened to her boyfriend, but ultimately his transformation doesn’t change anything between them.
The pair manage to survive their adventure with the Daleks, and by the episode’s end, the couple are still together, with Laszlo finding refuge with the homeless in Central Park - proving that becoming part pig is the least a couple has to worry about in the Doctor Who universe.