10 TV Characters Viewers Completely Changed Their Mind About

2. Rickety Cricket - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Has a man of the cloth ever fallen this far? Nicknamed for the huge leg braces worn during adolescence, Matthew "Rickety Cricket" Mara is introduced to audiences as a kind and pious priest, confounded by the request of his former high school tormentors to bless a water spot in The Gang's bar. And over the next nine seasons, Rickety Cricket becomes a reoccuring victim of manipulation and humiliation befitting the show's aesthetic. A short list of the tragedies that befall Mara: he quits the priesthood, becomes homeless, becomes addicted to cocaine, has his legs broken by the mob, is hunted by Dennis and Mac for a very specific humiliation, has part of his throat slashed in a wresting match, and is stabbed in the arm with a hatchet. And that's the abbreviated version. All of this may sound more horrifying than humorous, but It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia somehow finds the comedy in tragedy, allowing the viewers to laugh at this mountain of misfortune without losing sleep.
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He writes half-baked novels and twitter fiction. He makes short films for contests. He plays mostly unheard music. He painted something once, and it was... okay. A lover of all things pop culture, a master of none, Stephen nevertheless will continue his pursuit to become a modern-day renaissance man. And post it all at stephenstories.com