10 TV Characters Who ONLY Appear In The First And Last Episode

7. Yori Nakajima - The Falcon And The Winter Soldier

Weeds Josh Wilson

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier did not quite live up to its lofty expectations but still delivered a mostly interesting exploration of America's deeply flawed socio-political structure and the dynamic between the titular duo was both fun to watch and emotionally satisfying.

Sam and Bucky each got detailed arcs throughout the six-episode run, and as much as Sam's had more focus, Bucky's was impactful in a more personal fashion.

The former HYDRA assassin had intentions to make amends for his past crimes throughout the season, and although his approach lacked grace in most of his interactions, his friendship with Yori Nakajima was a nice bit of humanizing the super-soldier.

Unfortunately, it is revealed that the friendship was borne out of Bucky's desire to atone for his role in killing Yori's son, RJ. As seen in the pilot, this loss hardened Yori and his friendship with Bucky was one of the few things the elder held in any regard.

in the show's final episode, Bucky came clean to Yori and while this meant that Bucky had completed this part of his atonement journey, the revelation visibly hurt Yori. His role in the show may have been minor, but it showed Bucky (and the audience) the fallout of his past actions, as involuntary as they may have been.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.