10 TV Characters Who ONLY Appear In The First And Last Episode

6. Tom Hanks (Sort Of) - Veep

Weeds Josh Wilson

HBO's satirical comedy was a roaring success, and helped solidify Julia Louis-Dreyfus as a comedic icon for those who may not have experienced or grown up with Seinfeld during its run. In addition to this, it shone a spotlight on the likes of Dan Reid, Sam Richardson and was a worthy entry in the realm of political comedies.

Her role as Vice President Selina Meyer saw the VP being pitted against the offscreen President Hughes as her attempts to gain political influence (and the hurdles facing this) become more and more amusing. The show itself was hilarious and incisive with its political commentary and managed to keep its high quality throughout its run with intriguing storylines, great character work and guest appearances.

One such appearance (in a figurative sense of the word) was beloved actor Tom Hanks, whose potential death was discussed in the pilot as an event that would detract from VP Meyer's very public use of an offensive word.

It seems like a throwaway joke, but actually pays off in the series finale.

Here, in a 24 year flash-forward, Hanks is revealed to have died and his passing overshadows Selina's own. It served as a perfectly hilarious summary of Selina's character, a person whose wins were often short-lived or overshadowed by other notable events.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.